What are you waiting for, The Godfather theme to play?
Let me make this clear, I have no money, no Italian children and I did not gift a guy a severed horse head as an early morning surprise.
The girl who sits next to me, well I still don’t know her name; she does not have a name plate at her desk and her neighbour calls her “excuse-me”, if she was Chinese I would’ve assumed that it is in fact her name.
(Aparna Singh, from the OK-la and stapler effects I'd say its an office in Singapore/Hong Kong.)
A fun piece Kavisha. Laughed hard at shaving the back of her head to find her name/number. The right evil touch. Wish you'd continued with that neighbor.
The stapler stuff was funny, but I think getting the chain was not the stopping point, could take the story up to the next (and final?) encounter with the stapler borrower after that.
Spik to you sun - ("shits of pepper", hahaha)