Monday, August 6, 2007

The Swansong (Villanelle) /Vyom Prashant

The Swansong...

Mother I hope you do not cry
Remember you said life is a war?
In every battle a few men die

I'd never turned to say goodbye
And in memory of the farewell hour
Mother I hope you do not cry.

continue reading..

What is a Villanelle?

This was a strongly worded one, probably will make you turn misty, as a foregone thing, and you don't even need to be a mother. The only line I felt out of place was "Remember you said life was a war?", It seems the sort of thing a father would say, not a mother. I'm going here by my own mother as reference, of course, and she is the sort of woman who would neither make declarative statements beginning with "Life is" (one-line summaries of life seem frivolous compared to her outlook), nor be in a position to compare anything to war, which she has not experienced. Vyom's reference may be different.