Monday, March 12, 2007

Rains wash away everything (Rahul Pandita)

Rains wash away everything
Rancour. Vomit. Tear stains.
But they bring back in torrents
Memories. In one such rain
When my world is deluged
I make a boat of your memories
And set to sail amidst Passat winds
Braving hailstorms of my existence
And alligators of my past


"That is it. I take out a dagger from my back" had me laughing for some reason. I guess the dagger in the back is a metaphor for her leaving you.

With all the use of water and rain and boats and islands being so consistent, the dagger metaphor really stuck out (excuse the pun).

Did you intend a comic effect with that ? Maybe not, but if you did, I'm delighted to have found it.